Benteng Vredeburg

Fortress Vredeburg

Originally a Dutch colonial fortress, Vredeburg has been transformed from a military facility into the Museum of the Struggle for Independence.

The fort was built in 1787 and completely rebuilt after the earthquake of 1867. The name translates as "peace fortress "l which refers to the peaceful coexistence of the Dutch colonial power with the local sultan.

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Museum of the Struggle for Independence

Since 1992, the fort has housed a nicely done museum about the struggle for independence, in which the city of Yogyakarta played a very important role.

The museum is mainly dedicated to the events between 1920 and 1949, when the creation of an independent Indonesia took place.

In several buildings, the events are depicted through dozens of very successful dioramas.

So if you are interested in colonial and post-colonial history, don't miss this place. The Vredeburg Museum is also a very pleasant stop on a hot day, when the air-conditioned rooms will cool you down nicely.

A visit to the museum will take about 45-60 minutes.

In a corner of the outdoor area near Bank Indonesia is the Independence Monument, which is easily visible from the sidewalk.

Entrance fees and opening hours

Open every day.

  • Monday to Thursday - 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Friday to Sunday - 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Foreigners pay for adult admission 30 000 idr and locals 10 000 idr.

Official website:

How to get there

Benteng Vredeburg is located near Keraton at the end of the main Malioboro Avenue right in the city centre.

The nearest bus stops are:

  • Malioboro 3 directly in front of the entrance
    • Line 1A (circular) - direction Gembira Loka Zoo, Adisutjipto and Prambanan terminal and from the direction of Tugu Monument
    • Line 2A (circular) - towards Kotagede and from the direction of Tugu Monument, Jombor Terminal
    • Line 3A (circular) - towards Tamansari, Giwangan Terminal and from Condogcatur Terminal
    • Lines 6A + 6B (circular) - southwestern outskirts of the city and P+R Gamping
    • Line 8 (circular) - Tamansari direction and from Tugu Monument, Jombor Terminal direction
    • Line 10 - P+R Gamping
    • Line 13 - western outskirts of the city (without tourist attractions)
    • Line 15 - Tamansari and Palbapang Terminal
  • Taman Pintar about 250 metres from the entrance (opposite Bank Indonesia)
    • Line 1B - direction Tugu Monument, Condogcatur terminal and from direction Gembira Loka Zoo and Adisutjipto terminal
    • Line 2B - towards Jombor Terminal and from the direction of Kotagede

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