Candi Plaosan


If after Borobudur and Prambanan you still don't feel that you've had enough of temples, the Buddhist temple of Candi Plaosan located just a kilometre from Prambanan is certainly worth a visit.

Plaosan was built in the 9th century as a symbol of the union of two rival families through a marriage between a prince from the Hindu Sanjayan dynasty and Queen Sri Kahulunnan of the Buddhist Sailendra dynasty.

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The complex contains two main temples (a symbol of the two families) and another 174 small buildings. Compared to neighbouring Prambanan, the Plaosan complex is significantly smaller and will take you about 20 minutes to visit.

Entrance fees and opening hours

Plaosan Temple is open every day from 7:30am-4pm.

Ticket prices are very low:

  • 5 000 idr - Foreign visitor
  • 3 000 idr - local visitor

The best conditions for taking photos are in the morning when the temple is illuminated by the rising sun, but as Plaosan cannot be visited at sunrise, plan your visit around when you want to visit the nearby and much more famous temples of Prambanan and Ratu Boko.

How to get there

The most convenient way to reach Plaosan from downtown Yogyakarta is via Grab or Gojek apps for about 120 000 idr.

Alternatively, take public transport to Prambanan Temple (see details) and from there take a 2km walk preferably along a country road which you will join at the northern exit of the Prambanan complex (see route map).

You can also ride a tricycle from Prambanan to Plaosan or book a motorbike through Grab or Gojek. The price should not exceed 8 000 idr.

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